Senior District Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong
Oakland Courthouse1301 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94612
At the current time most proceedings will be held remotely. If your proceeding is scheduled as a webinar, you should follow the Webinar Instructions below. If your proceeding is a Case Management Conference or other type of telephonic hearing, you should follow the Telephonic Hearing Instructions below.
Public Hearings
Please click the link below to join webinars (public hearings). If you are a case participant, you will join as an attendee, then you will be brought into the proceeding by court staff.
Webinar ID: 161 765 5557
Password: 659780
Join a Webinar by Phone or Other Connection
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are a case participant (attorney, party, witness, or other person who will actively participate in the hearing), it is strongly recommended that you join Zoom using the Zoom application rather than by a telephone connection. If you must appear by telephone, the numbers posted for each judge are for the public and are listen-only, so you will need to contact the Courtroom Deputy (CRD) at least one business day before the hearing to request a Zoom invitation (which will be sent via email) in order to join the hearing as a case participant.
Phone: (669) 254 5252 or (646) 828 7666
International numbers: https://cand-uscourts.zoomgov.com/u/aB8gzvnoG
H.323: (US West) or (US East)
Non-Public Hearings [Settlement Conferences]
The court will use Zoom Meetings (as opposed to Zoom Webinars) for settlement conferences and other non-public hearings. To join a meeting, click on the link below. You will initially enter a “waiting room” and will be admitted into the meeting by court staff.
Meeting ID: 160 446 3316
Passcode: 893233
Join a Meeting by Phone or Other Connection
Phone: (669) 254-5252
International numbers: https://cand-uscourts.zoomgov.com/u/aRANolBV0
H.323: (US West) or (US East)
Please review this important guidance on participating in a Zoom Webinar or Meeting.
Telephonic Hearing Instructions
All Case Management Conferences are conducted telephonically.
Counsel shall join the conference line (888) 684-8852 promptly at the date and time specified. The access code to join the conference is 7281326.
View Judge Armstrong’s Schedule of Upcoming Proceedings…
View Scheduling Notes…
Criminal Law & Motion | 2nd Wednesday of Month | 1:00 p.m. |
Civil Law & Motion | 2nd Wednesday of Month | 2:00 p.m. |
Trial Days | Monday-Friday | 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. |
Case Management Conferences | 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesdays & every Thursday, by Telephone | Court will schedule time. |
Calendar Clerk & Courtroom Deputy | sbacrd@cand.uscourts.gov | |
Civil Case Docketing, Docket Corrections & PDF Follow-ups | See Civil Docketing | |
Criminal Case Docketing | See Criminal Docketing | |
Multi-District Litigation (MDL) Inquiries | See Multi-District Litigation | |
Chambers Email for Proposed Orders | sbapo@cand.uscourts.gov | |
Media Inquiries | media@cand.uscourts.gov 415-522-4051 |
Chambers Copy Requirements
The processing of unnecessary chambers copies wastes resources and burdens the court. Pursuant to Civil Local Rule 5-1(d)(7), chambers copies should not be submitted unless required by the assigned judge’s standing order or specifically requested by the assigned judge.
Judges’ standing orders may include additional requirements and may differ from the local rules in other particulars. If they are not in agreement, a judge’s standing order supersedes the local rules.
The pertinent parts of Judge Armstrong’s standing orders are set forth below:
Courtesy copies are required for all filings that necessitate action by the Court, including motions, stipulations and other requests (along with supporting documents). Courtesy copies of proofs of service, notices of appearance, ADR certifications and similar administrative filings are not required.
Courtesy copies shall be clearly marked with the case number, judge’s initials (SBA), and the designation “Chambers Copy.” They shall be submitted to the Clerk’s Office within the time prescribed by the Local Rules.
Each individual document must be securely bound at the top or side. Exhibits must be tabbed. Additionally, voluminous filings (those exceeding two inches in thickness) must be submitted in tabbed and indexed binders. Voluminous filings also may be accompanied by a CD-ROM or USB drive where appropriate.
Delivery Address
Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building& United States Courthouse
Office of the Clerk
1301 Clay Street, Suite 400 S
Oakland, CA 94612
About District Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong
Born 1947 in Oakland, CA
Federal Judicial Service:
- Judge, U. S. District Court, Northern District of California
- Nominated by George H.W. Bush on April 25, 1991, to a seat vacated by William A. Ingram. Confirmed by the Senate on June 14, 1991, and received commission on June 18, 1991.
- Merritt College, A.A., 1967
- California State University, Fresno, B.A., 1969
- University of San Francisco School of Law, J.D., 1977
- Pacific School of Religion, M.Div., 2012
Professional Career:
- Policewoman, Oakland Police Department, Oakland, California, 1970-1977
- Judicial extern, California Court of Appeals, 1977
- Deputy district attorney, Alameda County, California, 1978-1979, 1980-1982
- Senior consultant, California Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice, 1979-1980
- Trial attorney, Public Integrity Section, U.S. Department of Justice, 1982-1983
- Commissioner, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 1983-1986
- Commissioner, U.S. Parole Commission, 1986-1989
- Judge, Alameda Superior Court, California, 1989-1991